Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy New Year!

Already into the new year 2011~  I am looking forward to all the Lord has planned for my photography and the year ahead~ 

At the heart of the reason I wanted to start Rusted Bucket Photography is my son Justin.  He is a special needs child.  One day I tried to find a photographer that had an interest in families of special needs individuals and there was no one.  I understand the patients and time needed to capture that special someone and who he/she really is.  ~This year I am hoping to venture out with my photography to families of special needs.

Another reason I started Rusted Bucket is because professional photography is so expensive.  Now that I've been doing this for a few months, I understand the reasons for such beautiful images to be expensive, but I still want to keep my prices low and affordable.  Times are not easy for most people today, including my own family.  I am hoping to be able to reach out with this gift I feel the Lord has given me, to help other families have beautiful unique portraits while helping my family also.

Thank you for your time in reading this.  May God the Father bless you and keep you.
Kerrie Monti

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